Special Eats Special Team

Tamara Varga, Owner

William Harman, Owner/Chef

Jeffrey Varga, Owner
Daniel works on our marketing and custodial teams. He helps keep our Instagram up to date with our newest pictures. He also helps keep our truck looking perfect.
John has autism, but that doesn’t stop him from being a top-notch food prepper on the food truck, preparing bread for grilling and cutting sandwiches.
Kari has autism, and is gifted with numbers. She is in charge of our dry goods and food inventory, helping to keep our truck stocked so you can enjoy some of the best grilled-cheese around.
He has autism, but that doesn’t stop him from being your amazing cashier. Vincent is in our training program for 16-year-olds, and this is his first job. He says he loves having a job. Come out and get to know Vincent as he works the register at our many, delightful events.
Ben (the artist)
Ben is one of our artists, a true gem. Ben designs, draws and creates unique and beautiful artwork. We are proud that Ben has chosen Special Eats as a creative outlet his passion. Look for Ben’s artwork on our “to-go” bags at our awesome cheese events. Get yours while you can.
Sarah is in charge of handing out the munchies and drinks with your grilled cheese. She also sells our merchandise. She has fetal alcohol syndrome, but that doesn’t stop her from living her best life. Come and get some food and merchandise from Sarah and one of our events.
Dave (DJ)
Dave (aka “DJ”) is another wonderful addition to our special team. With a heart almost too large to be contained, Dave is especially caring when anyone in the Special Eats family is struggling through difficult times or rough patches. Courageous and true, Dave has never shied away from lending a helping hand, a kind word, or even a kick in the seat of the pants when required. He has a great love for animals, especially his dog “Puppy” and would love to, one day, be a part of the United States Navy.
Jenny is one of the sweetest folks we’ve known. Jenny enjoys art, crafts, and puzzles. She is caring and kind with a huge streak of independence. Jenny is a wonderful addition to our special eats team.
He has Down syndrome excels at giving high fives while helping make our merchandise. Jesse loves to make specialty baskets that we sell in front of our food truck or at our office.
Monique is a unique, loving individual with various skills well-suited for Special Eats, including jewelry making. She loves the food truck, and enjoys interacting with the Special Eats Team. Monique believes Special Eats is the best at providing her the chance to explore her own individuality while, at the same time, allowing her to work with and get to know such a wonderful and diverse group of exceptional people.
Carol is a wonderful addition to our special team. She works in our website/social media management department providing content, copy, updating, and an incredible spirit to our online presence. She enjoys the challenge of the work and Special Eats enjoys having her as one of our special team.
He has autism, so that makes him very detailed at cleaning our truck and landscaping at our office. He prides himself on the detail he puts into making our truck and landscaping beautiful.
She is part of our janitorial crew at our office and commissary. She has Down syndrome, but there is nothing down about her. She loves to sing while cleaning and loves to give hugs.
He has Down syndrome and loves to help make our Down syndrome and autism merchandise collection. Jamie likes to help make bracelets and keychains for our merchandise line.
He is in charge of helping prep the food for our food truck. He has autism and says this is his favorite job. He loves knowing he is helping bring delicious food to the community.
Sharon is part of our jewelry-making crew for our merchandise. She also likes to help with cashiering while selling our merchandise. She says she loves her job, and it doesn’t feel like a job. It feels like a family.
William is happy to be part of Special Eats family. His favorite hobbies include cooking, baking, drawing, and playing simulation video games. William enjoys activities that bring his community together and is excited about zoology and animal welfare. He also gets excited about the many ways video can be prepared and presented. He even has his own YouTube channel. Special Eats loves having William aboard.
An incredibly multi-talented and vibrant individual, Kim brings a whole new level of exceptional service to Special Eats. She is passionate about improving the quality and level of service to folks who need it. Kim is also an avid writer of stories, creator of pictures, a college educated actor of tales. She’s into outdoor recreation and ceramics and is curious about everything else. Special Eats is all about folks like Kim.
“HEY BUDDY!”. Scott is our resident inspiration He inspires us, he motivates us, he encourages us, usually with just a wonderful smile and a jolly, “Hey, Buddy”. Scott is usually the first person picked for any team, even if he knows nothing about the game he’s being picked for. He supports our Special Eats food truck through arts and crafts and will always be one of our favorite picks.
She has selective mutism, but that didn’t stop her from finding a job that is perfect for her. Jaymi helps make our merchandise. She loves to help make our t-shirts and jewelry. She also helps with our shopping for the food truck and merchandise.
He has Down syndrome but loves working. Robert helps in our merchandising department. He puts together baskets and jewelry.
He has autism and is in our first job training program. Alex helps run the orders and assists in the setup and takedown of the food truck.
He has autism, and that makes him very detailed. Jesus is on our food truck team. He helps prep the food and is one of our sous chef’s for lunch events.
Brandon has Mosaic Down Syndrome. He is ecstatic to be a member of the Special Eats Special Team. He enjoys prepping, cooking, and baking for the Food Trucks. He likes cleaning, organizing, photography, art, sports, dancing, and being a funny goofball. Brandon loves to play chess and ice hockey, and he loves to be around people because of the fun adventures that are always around every corner.
Holden is one of the most humble people we know. Quiet and a bit shy, Holden is most energetic in his humility. He has a nearly magical ability of finding what needs to be done, getting it done, and moving on to the next task. Highly creative, he is always busy, always willing to lend a hand to anyone, anytime. He enjoys arts and theatre and especially loves being amongst the diverse and varied Special Team members at work here at Special Eats. We are truly blest to have him as part of our Special Eats team.
Brenda is our resident horse lover. She has a horse she calls Monti who is more of a friend to her than anything else. It would be difficult to describe the wonderful gifts with which Brenda has been blessed. We at Special Eats have yet to determine if there is any limit to those gifts. Brenda works with the food truck, enjoys setting up inventory in the store, and has proven to be quite a computer wiz while working with Special Eats websites and social media.
Cheryl is the loving mother type to us all. She is a part of our merchandising and art team. Perpetually happy, and a bit feisty, she does it just like mama used to. Special Eats is proud to work with her.
Karen is another multi-talented hand here at Special Eats. You name it, she’ll get it done and there is nothing that she won’t do with the maximum amount of enthusiasm and love. Karen especially enjoys training other folks in procedures, turning out true pros and helping us all recognize our true potential. She is a valuable asset to Special Eats.
Cassandra is a wonderful mother of 2 who has worked hard all of her life, continues to do so, and has never been afraid to do so. Cassandra is an all-around hand who can do it all. She enjoys working on the food truck and has always specialized in the creation of beautiful, one-of-a-kind jewelry. Special Eats is looking forward to the ideas and creations she’ll bring to our merchandising department.
You would be hard-pressed to find a more wonderful smile than that of this wonderful, young woman. She has an approach to and zeal for life that is huge, HUGE. Christina works with us in our merchandising and artistic endeavors, bringing in huge amounts of imagination, and talent. She enjoys our almost daily yoga workouts and especially the beadwork we do here. It is so fun to have her with us a Special Eats.
Sharon is that special and rare soul with a quick wit and a quicker smile. Sharon is a shopper, that is, a hard-core shopper. There’s none of that “stopping off for a few minutes” kind of stuff in her life. It comes in handy here at Special Eats as we are in constant need of many different kinds of supplies, crafts, and other support.
Greg is the quiet man, the shy guy. Greg is an extremely intelligent, aspiring, young culinary artist. Special Eats is blessed to have Greg sharing that artistic talent with us. In no time at all, he has become one of our best grilled cheese artists, immediately working his way up to the position of cook while earning the respect and love of his fellow peers. Greg’s dream is to work hard while earning his way into culinary school, eventually becoming the master chef we all know he can be. We at Special Eats are only too proud to assist the fine, young man with his dream.
What can you say about Sonia that isn’t just simply awesome? Sonia keeps going and going until it gets done, and you can bet it will always get done. Along the way she adds her own bit of special talent, turning out wonderful work for our merchandising and artistic work here at Special Eats.
Alex joined Special Eats in support of the Special Eats food truck. Alex is our resident guru, possessing an endless supply of information on a variety of different subjects and is always willing to share what he knows. Alex enjoys a challenging work environment and we at Special Eats work hard to ensure that Alex feels he has found a home here.
Arturillo is loud, he is proud, he is proud to be loud. Special Eats immediately fell in love with him. Art is the kind of guy you throw in to the middle of a problem and sit back waiting for a solution. You can bet there will be a solution: quite imaginative , totally unexpected, absolutely workable, Art is a great addition to our team , bringing a huge amount of experience and knowledge to Special Eats.
Valerie is the women with the perfect smile. When that smile flies no one is immune to it’s incredible charm. She is also a very talented artist and it shows in everything she does. This combination of charm and talent can brighten up even the most cynical of lives and is especially useful here at Special Eats.
Our Job Coaches and Support Staff:
Peter is a job coach for our lunch time food truck crew. He is also the perfect facilities maintenance guru. You can bet that the job will always be straight, true, properly plumbed and expertly executed. Peter with his eternal smile brings out the best in all of us, along with a bit of mischievousness.
Laurie, who works with our custodial team as a facilities manager, has been in the disability field for 15 years. Extremely creative, detail orientated, and eternally happy, Laurie and has never met a room that she could not clean, fix, decorate, brighten up, or otherwise embellish with white glove precision. She brings out the best in all of us and our wonderful facilities. We are proud to have her aboard.
Elaine is more than our assistant director and the best bookkeeper this side of Heaven. Elaine keeps everything running smoothly in matters of regulatory compliance, payroll, bookkeeping and Human Resources. Give Elaine 2 columns of numbers or a tough compliance issue and she’s ready to rock-and-roll. She is the glue that quietly holds it all together. Elaine has a nephew with autism and she is indispensable to Special Eats.
Aliana is our an administrative specialist. If you’ve ever wondered that a person very quiet and shy could possess a contagious joy, happiness, or zest for life that radiates to all who know her, wonder no more. Aliana is the one. The Special Eats Special Team loved her immediately. Aliana, with a huge wealth of knowledge behind her, is tremendously qualified in her role at Special Eats, ensuring regulatory compliance and adherence to legal protocol. Special Eats is blessed to have her aboard.Isabella
Isabella goes by “Izzy” she has been working with us for almost a year and she is one of our coaches. In her free time she enjoys skateboarding. So “watch out” if you see her! We are thrilled to have her in our team.
Naomi has worked with special needs for 4 years and also worked in the medical field has a phlebotomist for 7 years so if you see her run!! She is now part of our Social Media team and one of our coaches and we are excited to have her here.
Jasmine has worked for 28 years in special needs development and we are very excited to have her in our team. In her free time she enjoys hiking in and getting ahold of nature.
She is the creative director for Special Eats. Together with her son, who has Down syndrome, Sonia draws upon an infinite pool of imagination and talent, creating all types of one-of- kind, fabulous merchandise, unique gift baskets, and custom jewelry. If you have an idea, Sonia can bring it to life. She is truly talented, and we are fortunate she has chosen Special Eats to showcase those incredible talents.
Natalie is the person who, when life hands her lemons, will serve up the lemonade, a thick, juicy steak with all the trimmings, and the most exquisite Pinot Noir. An upbeat and positive young woman, Natalie strives to help folks find the best version of themselves. We at Special Eats have found that she’s very good at that. With her infinite pool of patience and love, Natalie brings a special talent to Special Eats and we are thrilled to have her with us.
Zidane, you can call me “Z”, is an awesome young man that comes from a fine family rich in tradition. Z credits his father for giving him the tools he needs to be the highly successful, truly motivated powerhouse he has become.
An avid soccer fan, Abraham brings a unique brand of leadership to Special Eats, developed internationally through years of experience on the pitch as player, team captain, and coach. An easy-going, open-minded friend to all, Abraham has also worked as a project manager for the Community Home Repair Project of Arizona (CHRPA), a wonderful non-profit agency dedicated to assisting low-income homeowners. His perspective and ingenuity are invaluable to Special Eats.
Having over 10 years of experience helping folks with special needs, Melita is a multi-talented, one-woman support system. She knows and loves each and every one of us as one of her own and we at Special Eats are proud to call her one of OUR own.
“Larger than Life”, this is the only way to describe our good friend Cal. He is an awesome gent whose soul truly surpasses “Big” and surly transcends “HUGE” to be described only as “Larger than Life”. With his infinite pool of wisdom, his bottomless enthusiasm, his total willingness to share, Cal has a tremendous ability to make all of us here at Special Eats feel the we, too, can be larger than life.
When she was in High School she volunteer in the “buddy program” and she is been working with us for almost a year has one of our coaches.