A circle with thin yellow border and a larger, blue inside ring with the words, "Sonoran Science Academy" emblazoned on the blue ring. Inside the blue ring is the image of an atom with 3 electron orbits visible. The nucleus of the atom is a small, blue circle with a saguaro cactus emblazoned. To the right of the circle is the header, "Sonoran Science Academy Tucson, STEM Education, College Preparation.


May 12 2023


1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


Lunch, School

The 2017 World Robotics Champions

Come and join the Special Eats food truck and our special team as we head on out to the Sonoran Science Academy to visit the 2017 World Robotics Champions. Get to know the best and the brightest of the future while enjoying the the most awesome grilled cheese sandwiches you’ve ever laid a taste bud on. If you love cheese, we got cheese.

Don’t forget, Mother’s Day is just around the corner. While loving on that awesome grilled cheese, pick up some beautiful Mother’s day jewelry  provided by Baskets Made with Love. Talented artists with special needs at Baskets Made with Love create wonderfully designed, one-of-a-kind gift baskets and jewelry for that truly unique, fully personalized gift that mom will cherish. You can also see our full selection of beautiful gifts at our website,  Baskets Made with Love,  or stop by and see our talented special team at 5546 East 4th Street, Tucson, Arizona.


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